Fleet Acquisition and Use of Capital
07 Sep 2015Jester_international
Following our unsuccessful negotiations around HR8104, I've decided to re-allocate my capital and focus on developing my own enterprises. I found a willing buyer for my Anaconda and purchased a like-new Python called "Galdius de Imperia Iustitiam". It is well equipped for me to support imperial goals in systems with any level of development. As I perused the docks, I found a trader in financial difficulties who gave me a good deal on a used Lakon Type-9 and her escort, a Diamondback Explorer. The Type-9 will be my chief trading ship and has a 500 ton capacity while I had the escort refitted for deep-space exploration.
With my fleet now established, I re-enter the black for adventure and profit.
I hear they need scrap in Alpha Centauri. I could use the Fed-dodging as a welcome excursion.
CMDR Jester_International