Logbook entry

STARDATE 12.05.3302

12 May 2016Vograx
Log Entry #1 19:55
Started out the day by strapping myself into the comfortable seat of the Black Orc. Though not as roomy and luxurious as the Orcalia, the Black Orc is certainly more fun when it comes to pushing the G-limits.

I've rallied with CMDR CrewzKnight who is also seated in an Imperial Eagle for the occasion. Today we aim to test out some weaponry for the Eagles, starting out by fitting fragmentation cannons and testing out the rail guns.

Personally I have an order for an Imperial Hammer, a nice reward for anyone supporting our Empress. Unfortunately it is on back-order and I will not be able to obtain it for another 14 days.

Can't wait to get my hands on it though!
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︎1 Shiny!
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