Logbook entry

STARDATE 15.05.3302

15 May 2016Vograx
Log Entry #1 17:00
Strapped myself into the Black Orc today. CMDR CrewzKnight was out hunting a turncoat as part of obtaining his first rank within the Imperial Navy and I offered my assistance to him. We headed to the HIP 20048  system and searched the starlanes. We were later joined by CMDR Vardemis Datara who also put his ship at our disposal.

After a short hour of scanning and sweeping the shipping lanes we found and interdicted the target, and summarily destroyed it.

We return now to Guathiti for CMDR CrewzKnight to receive his first honors!

Log Entry #2 20:40
After the honors of were done we rallied together and headed to Concantae system to assist with getting rid of the Federation incursion under Zachary Hudson. Our wing consisted of myself, CMDR CrewzKnight and CMDR Vardemis Datara. Arriving in the system we encountered a number of hostile forces and were quickly engaged by both Federation supporters as well as those flying for the Alliance and other independent factions.

CMDR Dustybing joined forces with us awhile after we had started our patrol in the system and with his Python to assist us the entire patrol went smoothless with no casualties and only some minor bumps and bruises to our ships.

Another successful day for the Empire!
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