Logbook entry

STARDATE 17.05.3302

16 May 2016Vograx
Log Entry #1 01:15
Our flight today started out with some easy bounty hunting. No real troubles and truth be told, we were all trying out some new weapons and some new ships. It all went without incident and we're getting quite familiar in the local asteroid belt.

Following the bounty hunting I followed CMDR Vardemis Datara as he was chasing a target to destroy. After probing the system we found the target and managed to destroy his Anaconda.

After our return I was tasked with chasing down a small pirate group of 10 ships. I managed to find them scattered around in the Manian system, though most seemed to have ganged up around the local star in hopes of preying on traders as they enter the system. All ten ships were found and eliminated, though the rewards on their heads were rather... pitiful.

To get some R&R all three of us, CMDR CrewzKnight, myself and CMDR Vardemis Datara decided to explore the massive crater on Guathiti 4. Our SRVs struggled a bit on the steep slopes of the crater. We managed to uncover some cargo canisters containing gold which must have been result of either a ship which jettisoned it's cargo or a ship that collided on the surface. However, we never found any sign of a wreck. The only thing that got wrecked was CMDR Crewzknights SRV and considering the malfunction to his throttle controls we decided to lift off before someone were injured.

Our evening ended in Misk system where we are currently tasked with blockading smuggler ships. Our blockade will continue tomorrow and with some good luck and Imperial devotion we'll see an end to the smuggling before the end of the day.

CMDR Ghroznak, signing off.
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