Logbook entry

STARDATE 19.05.3302

19 May 2016Vograx
Log Entry #1


A civil war has broken out in our very own home system! The Guathiti Empire Party finds itself in a heated conflict with one of the independent factions. For something outrageous like this to occur is simply not acceptable and as such I find myself obligated to assist in the effort of quelling this uprising. I've taken funds out of my personal balance and bought one of the tried and trusted Viper Mk III's available at Messier Port and had it outfitted for the combat role it was designed for.

The remainder of this day will for the most part be spent teaching those would-be rebels a lesson in what happens when they try to circumvent the formal and civilized way of coming to an agreement and their brute tactics will be met in plenty of force and very little mercy. Looking at my newly fitted Viper brings back fond memories however, and despite grim purpose it will serve in the days to come I must admit that nostalgia and memories from the last time I was strapped into a Viper does make me eager to fly her once again.

Now I just need to find the hangar chief and get one of his guys to repaint the thing. Grey was never a color worthy of a ship in Imperial service.
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︎1 Shiny!
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