Logbook entry

STARDATE 23.05.3302

23 May 2016Vograx
Log Entry #1 20:00
I didn't even get to finish my AstroBurger today before receiving an eager message from CMDR CrewzKnight about our planned raid on the nearby Federation system under Hudsons control. Any excuse to put a Federation ship at the other end of my lazerbeams is a welcome one, and for this particular assignment it was an added bonus that I got to dust off the 'Black Orc'. She's been sitting idle for too long in the hangar and really needed to burn off some dust from the nacelles again.

Our raid went very well, and we had CMDR Vardemis come with us as well. Our trio of ships has really put a dent into both the Federations hold on the Concantae system as well as fending off the independents attempt at gaining a better foothold in our own system. Tomorrow I suspect we will need to focus our efforts on Guathiti again, either by securing the asteroid belts or by continuing our fight against the independents.

But first things first... need to finish that AstroBurger.
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︎1 Shiny!
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