Cmdr Sheehy
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
TFS Elijah's chariot
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Dolphin EX-004
Overall assets
The Fatherhood

Logbook entry

They're always looking for an opportunity

29 Jun 2022Sheehy
It does not matter where you go in the galaxy, scum will always follow you.

I finished pulling 2 and a half thousand tonnes of platinum from the Parrot Head Triple. That would be enough to get me a year's worth of upkeep. I managed to cash that in without a problem.

I slip round to Shedi to refuel the carrier. 3k tonnes to take me roughly 5 kylies from the bubble.

I called the carrier to jump in closer to Forrester Station, 'cause who wants to haul Tritium 400 light seconds. So, I'm pulling a load to the place where Sundari's Testimony was about to appear. I'm waiting and then you get that awful pop and you know, just know, you've got trouble. The perp started shooting as soon as soon as he appeared, which, is par for the course when you're pulling a full load.

Fortunately, I'm in with the local crowd. So it's turn and boost towards the three green contacts that jumped in a few seconds after he started shooting. As soon as the heat's off me, I turn the T9 around and join the card game. The nut has no chance. Within a few seconds it is another 200k to add to my tritium fund.

"Thanks for the contribution, pal!" I say as I fly past the debris and head for my newly arrived carrier.

Right! Fully loaded, I'm now out of the neighbourhood and heading where no one has gone before.

See you in the black!
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