Cmdr Sheehy
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
TFS Elijah's chariot
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Dolphin EX-004
Overall assets
The Fatherhood

Logbook entry

Travelling is the boring part

30 Jun 2022Sheehy
Okay - we are travelling about five kylies out past the Barnards Loop to our exploring spot.

Travelling in a carrier is so dull and slow. Twenty minutes between jumps means a lot of time hanging around. I easily win the race in my Exploralphin. So much so that I could probably make the whole journey in an hour.

Needs must when you are travelling with a fleet of ships, each with a particular purpose. I want to be able to mine not just Tritium but other precious minerals. This is a prospecting mission as much as exploring. Sometimes you want to discover in style. The Dolphin is an excellent flyer, but the Baluga has a jacuzzi. The Cobra has an old-school charm. The Mamba has canyon racing stripes. The T10... well, the T10 is just imposing, impressive, imp-something else.

Having a base of operations in a region means you can explore a region fully, knowing that you can return to base at the end of the day. If you discover a triple hotspot - call the carrier in and take advantage. We are only looking for the most exclusive of minerals. These do not have to be in stunning locations, so it's likely not to have been visited. And that, my friend, is a real explorer.

To go where no one has gone before.
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