Cmdr Sheehy
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
TFS Elijah's chariot
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Dolphin EX-004
Overall assets
The Fatherhood

Logbook entry

Day 6 of the Five Regions Expedition

06 Dec 2022Sheehy
CMDR Sheehy reporting from the Dryman's Reach region of the Galaxy. 6 December 3308

We have completed the first stage of this expedition by reaching the first of 5 regions this expedition will explore. Our mission - is to discover new points of interest in 5 regions of the Galaxy where none are registered in the Galactic Expedition Catalog.

The mission was already in the planning and preparation stages when Taranis arrived two days before the launch. Do I feel guilty leaving the war behind? Yes, I do. I am concerned about my colleagues, family and friends in Fatherhood-controlled space and the many millions who live there. However, one must let your yes be yes; otherwise, how can we live as a species?

I remind myself that I am not a combat pilot. Neither are some of my passengers. One of them has returned to the Bubble to fight the war. May his soul be blessed. May he survive. He has my respect!

It took us five days to reach Dryman's Reach. I am surprised. There was that one day when we pushed Sundari's Testimony to her limits. It shows! The nav comp appears to be malfunctioning. We arrived in the system over 600ls from anything - in the middle of nowhere, high above the system plane. I have dedicated our best engineer to nursing "Bettie" back to good health. In any case, we will give her a break for a few days at least.

For the record: There are two other carriers on the expedition. Marching On Together is exploring the galactic edge, whilst HMS Distant Travels is still en route. Altogether, they will provide a healthy support base for the exploration of this region.

Now the job of exploration begins in earnest.
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