Logbook entry

First Entry

19 Sep 2020Jarasis Par
Where to begin.  It's been a whirlwind several months since I started this journey.  I have been fortunate.  I have worked hard and achieved distinction with great powers.  I have been to the edge of the galaxy and back.  I have built riches and a worthy fleet of ships.  I am now settling in with my first trip to Colonia and the Galactic Core ahead of me.  Just need a few more materials as I want to engage the engineers there and I am on my way.  I will pledge to Aisling Duval for a time while I am away, distribute some propaganda on my return and enjoy access to the unique shield technology at her faction's disposal.  I personally applaud her stance against slavery, but I am not in a mind to pledge everlasting service.  

All that is left is to decide what ship to take.  Starfare's Gem is an Anaconda with greater jump range but less nimble, especially if I want to land somewhere.  Archangel is the Krait Phantom that saw me to the edge of the galaxy.  While it can't quite jump as far as the Gem, it still makes over 68ly at a time.  No slouch if I need to be somewhere, but the better ship if I want to stop and take in the sights.  Trying to balance my ambitions for exploring vs the time I have allotted for the trip.  

Think I'll take the Gem.  I'll save the getting lost in the Black trip for the Angel.
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