Logbook entry

Colonia and beyond, Part 1

25 Sep 2020Jarasis Par
As I was making my final preparations for the journey, I was surprised by a fellow Commander who wanted to take the journey as well.  Cmdr Oxby had some locations he wanted to hit along the way....roughly along the way anyway and we headed out.  The first place I wanted to see was Heaven's Lathe and it did not disappoint.  We then headed to a system Oxby had discovered years before with a fraction of our current jump ranges.  The biggest mountain I had ever seen on a moon awaited.  Oxby tried to land his Anaconda on it but in the end had to settle with scaling it in his SRV.  Many interesting sights indeed and I really just scratching the surface of what we saw.  We are following the Nebula chain starting with NGC 6820.  I look forward to what lies ahead and expanding my gallery.
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