Logbook entry

Colonia and beyond, Part 2

27 Sep 2020Jarasis Par
I am there.  After a marathon of wonderous sights and many jumps, I have made it to Colonia.  It was quite the adventure with my friend Cmdr Oxby.  After diving into a few nebula, we dove into the density of the galactic plane.  It being closer to the core, the stars flooded my view.  Neutron stars were plentiful and we made tremendous progress.  

We also made sure to stop and explore anything that looked interesting.  Oxby came across an interstellar signal and some fantastic crystal formations in space.  He also managed to get an SRV wrecked taking jumps on a high gravity world.  I managed to get myself ejected over 2km off the surface of another moon driving over a geyser.  What can I say?  I wanted to see if I could achieve escape velocity and Oxby was nearby if anything tragic happened.  Luminescent pumpkins, lava spouts, gorgeous starscapes with a curtain of misty nebula as a backdrop.  It was wonderful.

Now in Colonia its back to business for a bit.  Make arrangements with the engineers here and get the lay of the place.  After that, I have no plans.  Only thoughts and ideas about what comes next.  I know Sagittarius A is on the menu though.  3306 is a good time to be alive and the galaxy is our playground.
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︎2 Shiny!
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