Cmdr Mallardi
Enforcer / Privateer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance MM-0AF
Overall assets
The Soteria Accord

Logbook entry

Lost in Space

07 Feb 2021Mallardi
CMDR's log, February 7th, 3307 -- TFS Louis Reichardt -- MM-08E -- Blae Drye VT-R d4-5

Oh man.  The family and I spent four months trying to repair and reboot the control computer on the TFS Louis Reichardt.  After hacking into the BIOS of the ship, I managed to bypass the COVAS just long enough to force in a stock system image.  I am so tired of hearing Victor say, "Invalid system parameters" But, I finally got it up and running enough to limp back to Ratraii.  The imaging sensors are still running at a very low resolution.  New control boards for an Asp Explorer seemed to be in low supply at Colonia Dream.  I've made a note to get the control system a complete refit if and when we make it back to Schwann.

After getting everything checked out by a Lakon system rep there, I got the family and I packed back on board and departed for home.  Surfing the Neutron Highway from Colonia to the Bubble has been great fun, and my boy got a little stick time at the helm.  I'm quite proud at how quickly a five year old is picking up flying.  He's tried his hand at flying without flight assist on in a ring of a gas giant we found.  I'm not sure who is more awkward at the stick with FA off, him or me.

Let me tell you, all of the isolation of living with your family in deep space can be hard. At least we get to see all the wondrous sights of the Milky Way together. The wife and kids will be glad to have some time in at least true artificial gravity. My wife tells me that she'd like to take a trip planetside, and enjoy real air for a week when we get home. I think we may take a month and rent a cottage on Hajangai 1 for a week or two.

Anyhow, we've made it about 11,000 lightyears today alone.  The trip out to Colonia originally took us close to three weeks.  We might get home tonight or tomorrow if we can keep flying. I'll add a supplemental if we make it back to Schwann Port before the next official universal day begins.
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