Cmdr Mallardi
Enforcer / Privateer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance MM-0AF
Overall assets
The Soteria Accord

Logbook entry

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08 Feb 2021Mallardi
CMDRs Log -- 3307-02-08  -- TFS Louis Reichardt -- MM-08E -- Schwann Dock, Hajangai

The Reichardt slipped on to the pad early in the morning, me so tired that I could barely make it through the arrival checklist.  One more night sleeping in the stateroom on board.  My wife got the children and the essentials offloaded to our apartment here on Schwann.  I am always impressed with the beauty here.  At least, the docking bay is bright, and dotted with green parks and statues.

As I fall asleep, the ship in berth below a landing pad, I dream of some of the things we had gotten flashes of across the ansibles while we were stuck on that rock.  President Halsey back in the Federation.  Core Dynamics at the heart of an assassination plot. Sounds as though life here has gotten interesting since I left.  Tomorrow I want to conduct an inspection of my fleet here at Schwann, and then perhaps fly out to Asterope to check on my AX ships
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