Cmdr Mallardi
Enforcer / Privateer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance MM-0AF
Overall assets
The Soteria Accord

Logbook entry

Moving On

07 Apr 2021Mallardi
CMDRs Log -- 3307-04-07 -- SOAC Reichardt -- MM-08E -- Schwann Dock, Hajangai

I've been giving this journal entry a lot of thought. I discussed it with the wife, and really, we've felt ... aimless lately. Being back in Hajangai, where when we first moved here, it wasn't long before our Colonia expedition, and the months away from anyone but ourselves. There sure are a lot of people here. It never quite seems quiet, even with the security door. We have heard of an opportunity to establish a community in a new colony. J and I both are thinking a new start is good. With people, in a brand new place.

I've been having correspondance with CMDR Psykit of the Soteria Accord lately. She made me feel like I could really help, as opposed to being one of ... quite so many. So, here we are, on Pad 45 at Schwann Port. The majestic parks of the docking bay interspersed between the pads stretching before us. It sure is a lot of green... Uncomfortably so in a way when you're so used to the Black. My wife and the kids are strapped in, my toddler looking like a comical doll of a Commander in her little RemLok Tykes. Schwann has been almost as beautiful as they are. However, Psykit sent over pictures of Glass Landing, it has its own beauty. The population is also much less dense and smaller than in an Orbis. Very industrial, reminds me a bit more of Dyson Hub than Schwann ever will.

I'm going to miss my friends in The Fatherhood. I'll still be around Hajangai from time to time, and will talk when I can. But, the decisions are made, and I look at my wife. She grins, and says, "Come on Mal... Let's go home".
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