Cmdr Vacaendack
Researcher / Explorer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite II
Registered ship ID
Python PC-v07
Overall assets
Paladin Consortium

Logbook entry

22.000 Ly later

12 Aug 2016Vacaendack
When i found out that Jaques needed materials for repairs i saw the oportunity to do the long range travel i always wanted, but never quite completed... there is always someone in need of help in the bubble, some new Cmdr that is strugling, some sytem beeing harrased by a foreign group.. there is always a cry for help.... and that have kept me glued to the bubble since the cerberus plague.

But now a cry for help got me out of the bubble, and i´m really happy, the solitude, finding new things (i dicovered well over 100 new systems), and being alone was something i really nedded. in fact i am considering extending my trip a lot longer.

Right now i am mining to help the new station goal, and it is something that makes me feel useful, it is a stteping stone for a new bubble, a new universe to explore and that is wonderfull.

I see some comanders from time to time, and all have been cordial, they all (and i guess i do so) have a distinctive air that is nice to say hi, but everyone is in their own track, is not the crowded feeling of the bubble where every other cmdr is a risk, or a potential pirate.. here everyone is another free soul, and it is all that mather. i love it.
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