Cmdr Vacaendack
Researcher / Explorer
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Elite II
Registered ship ID
Python PC-v07
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Paladin Consortium

Logbook entry

Milk run blues

21 Jul 2015Vacaendack
Lately i have been getting all this milk run missions.... for those not familiar, a milk run is a kind of mission that makes you stop in every station in a system, or in neighbouring systems, it is slow, and mostly you spend your time in SC. Almost all the cargo is mesages or goods needed, a great deal of charity work..... the kind of parcels no one wants.

The question is why I let myself get dragged in this menial, boring work?... well the answer is to gain Rep..

I found out that almost all big missions (smuggling, assasinations, recoveries) had a hidden drawback, it gave you moderate reputation with the group that hired you, but usually has a geat deal of bad rep with another group, also, almost all the juicy missions are post by the least desiderable factions of the system, that means bad rep with the ruling faction and their allies.
I also found out that for every juicy mission to a system, there usually are one or two crappy currier mission to the same system, but usually, another station. Those missions I used to overlook, usually gives very good rep, and do not gives bad rep with anyone, so what you do not get in money, you gain in good rep and realiability.

Since i started with the milk runs three weeks ago, my status with the federation upgraded from neutral to allied, and now i am working to get the imperial rep the same way... and contrary to what some commanders believe... getting up with one does not impedes you to get good rep with the others too.

I find it very benefical to have good rep, but sometimes the boredom kills me... it´s a catch 22.
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