Cmdr Vacaendack
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Elite II
Registered ship ID
Python PC-v07
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Paladin Consortium

Logbook entry

Cerberus plague has ended

09 Aug 2015Vacaendack
Finally, after some hard weeks, we are free of that damn plague, Hundreds dead, economies ruined, ships lost...... but is over

After seeing how Ochoeng was overrrun with the plague i felt hartbroken.... tried hard to save it, but where too few commanders, all where focused on bast, and it is good it was that way, If Bast where not saved, we would be still looking for the cure... But the people of Ochoeng... they suffered too much.. i just could not help them.

Then i joined the ranks and transported tea.... Hard work.. and far too many pirates... i´m learning to despise them... The pirates that are in for the money i can live with... but those that are just Bloodthirsty.. those i despise with all my guts... not only hurt the commanders, and take away they hard earned ships... but also destroy the hopes that their cargo carries.. in Heike case, hopes of a cure.. that i can not forgive.... Hope the plague gets them... o a wing of vengefull Cmdrs.

The posterior safe travel of the cure was hard, the pirates came like parasites... but we bond and pushed back... i lost my ship several times, but i could not give in... and neither did the other Cmdrs... for all the people that helped.... you have my deepest gratitude, thanks to us all, all those souls, especially Ochoeng´s would get some rest.
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