Logbook entry

Journey to Colonia - Third Session

24 Feb 2017LtEvildead
Mission Log, SOL 24/02/3303.

I have left the Colonia base to continue my journey towards Colonia.  I have to say these officials really know how to treat you well.

I was given a free complimentary SPA treatment, I tell you those plasma steam baths are to die for.  A big thanks to Compatriot Dalilah William's team. They even managed to stock me up with some Fujin Tea leaves, this far out as well can't imagine how much that must have cost.

Pretty decent trip this has been, found a few systems undiscovered so should hopefully get my name on a few, mostly High Metal Content World's, only found one or two water world's so far.

But that's ok I want to do the bulk of my exploring in the more dense star fields closer to the core and Colonia.

Almost fell asleep at the controls again, I really have to stop flying this late.

Think I'll drop out here in this single star system, grab me some Z's and continue on tomorrow.

CMDR LtEvildead, out.
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