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SRV Slaughterbowl, Episode 2: Mad Scientist’s Mayhem

28 Aug 2020VIP_Flash
On Sunday 23 of August 3306 the Episode 2: Mad Scientist’s Mayhem of SRV Slaughterbowl took place, this time in Stack, a former INRA base in HIP 12099. A place where serious tests of chemical and biological weapons on Thargoids were carried out. A dark history one could say.

This time the facility served another purpose, nonetheless one as destructive and deadly as the one before. A perfect venue for the one and only – SRV Slaughterbowl. Contrary to the first episode, this time the event occurred under perfect light conditions (AKA „day“ :-)) ideal for fans and filming. After waiting for more participants, the 1st PC match started a few minutes later than scheduled. But those who waited for combat moments got their satisfaction in spades. Even with only 3 participants, this match took as long as the previous match fought in a crater.

Here this rugged terrain allowed for various covers and hidings. Probably the best utilization of this fact came from CMDR VIP_Flash who positioned his SRV on the roof of former barracks or hangar building close to the center of the site. From there he could control almost half of the battlefield with much lowered chance to be targeted. So when CMDRs Iolair Uaine and CPT Sushi left their covers, CMDR VIP_Flash was there to greet them with salvos from his dual repeater from high above. Probably knowing their chances are lowered against such an enemy, CMDRs Iolair Uaine and CPT Sushi preferred to engage in fighting each other. That was a moment CMDR VIP_Flash utilized to his maximum profit. All he had to do was to target one of those battling SRVs underneath him and just seconds after, only two participants remained in the game. CMDR’s Iolair Uaine’s battle, though he fought bravely, ended there quite swiftly.

As CPT Sushi cleverly moved away from his sight, even VIP_Flash had to come to ground and fight now a fair fight with him. Both SRVs had almost full hull at that time with only a 5 % difference in favor for VIP_Flash with his 99 % remaining. State of shields, of course, in hands and skill of the drivers. Their first encounter on the ground may have decided the match. With 3/0/3 pip setting VIP_Flash managed to shoot through Shushi’s shields by the time he himself still had 51 % remaining. They both parted shieldless but now with hulls at 12 vs 79 %. What a difference! … And with a pause just to take one deep breath we jump right into the shield rebuild time game!

As VIP_Flash pulls himself together after this ground brawl, he checks the levels and sees the obvious. Both SRVs shieldless and he has more than 60 % hull advantage. The time to charge and finish the enemy is NOW or NEVER! He throttles toward CPT Sushi in a hurry to get to him before his shields rebuild and wipe this advantage off the face of this planet. Wild ride, sharp turn ahead and … and he misses the turn and bumps into a large canister with chemical agents 3 meters before the turn. No way! … NO, that was not a missed turn, he just realized at the last moment possible that he won’t make it in time. Sushi’s shields are up! Cards turn and he charges at VIP_Flash with the same vigour we saw a few seconds earlier on the other side. But this time there is no stopping, no missed turns, just the pure animal hunt for blood … or oil, in this particular situation. Lock on target – FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! – But what is that? What is happening? Why is VIP_Flash not dead by now? Everyone is gasping, looking around in disbelief.

Finally – SRV explodes – only one left standing in front of the speechless crowd. It is VIP_Flash! Still shieldless but with 78 % of hull. That’s only 1 % lower than before this final battle started! Impossible! Outrageous! Was he cheating? Was an illegal target lock breaker involved? Did CPT Sushi push the wrong button and reloaded his SRV with blanks? So many questions, such a big confusion. It took solid 5 quiet seconds before the crowd around the place burst into wild cheer and started to celebrate the winner of the 2nd Episode of SRV Slaughterbowl 3306, CMDR VIP_Flash! What a battle, w.h.a.t..a..b.a.t.t.l.e… But still, questions remain…

We would like to calm down all the readers now. Upon close after match slow-mo video inspection it was discovered that exactly at the same time as first shots from CPT Sushi landed on VIP_Flash’s hull his shield jumped in and ate all that fury CPT Sushi unleashed on him. Turns out, it was a truly fair victory. And if there was anything to be learnt or remembered form this encounter, it would be that one must never forget that shield rebuild time game is not a b*tch like some inexperienced CMDRs use to say, but truly a two-edged sword, sharp and unforgiving –one.

For those who would like to immerse deeper into the match, the on-board video footage from VIP_Flash’s SRV can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFUFaEn2Ozo

So until next time CMDRs, fly safe! o7
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