Cmdr Cral Travis
Explorer / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TRAV-A
Overall assets
The Soteria Accord

Logbook entry

Hub Axis

22 May 2017Cral Travis
Reached 2,909 ly directly Galactic South or "below" Sag A*. Unfortunately, 200+ ly gaps and long runs of T Tauri (only) systems mean that's about as far as I can make it on a quick attempt - Sag A* itself beckons (even though every CMDR and his space-dog have been there). After that, continue "up" the axis (Galactic North) as far as possible then make for Beagle Point (yawn) and beyond, down the arm to the Blue Haze.

At least the exploration data (Neutron scans, water worlds etc) should be worth it. Found an undiscovered Red Giant as well. Just mustn't get stuck in any T Tauri chains again - nearly did this time, and had to make for a spectral class F main sequence star with a bit of backtracking... white knuckle time.
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