Cmdr Serge Alpenmilch
Freelancer / Space cowboy
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Anaconda LOMAC
Overall assets
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Extract from the Imperial Fleet file: CMDR SERGE ALPENMILCH

19 Aug 2017Serge Alpenmilch
Extract from the Imperial Fleet file:

CMDR Serge Alpenmilch
(presumably alias, according to his own actual name forgotten)

Phantompicture from HeadsUpStudios

Age: Unknown, approx. 45
Eye Color: Suspicious
Hair color: shaggy
Location: Witt Station, System Michel
Place of birth: probably Hamburg, Planet Terra, System Sol
Known children: 1, daughter, CMDR Fen Alpenmilch
Criminal record: Enormus. Currently locked
Friendly thinkers: FC St. Pauli, Astra Brewery, Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch
Well-known enemies: TÜV, financial officers, house doctors, potted plants
Known phobias: forms, avocados, tofu
Known Alias: Der Alte, Kaleun, The Baba, General H.C.Simpel, el Cheffe, Villain
Motto: Don't fly dry!

CMDR Serge Alpenmilch has worked as a young man as a bartender in the notorious tavern named Silbersack on St. Pauli Hamburg/Terra). There he made contact with various subjects and dodgy figures of the underworld (see file: Scum of the Universe). Alpenmilch presumably also met CMDR Karo Schärmann (aka Caroline Sherman) and was, according to his own statement, intermittently with her. Sherman denies this (see note: Effects of Onionhead Abuse).

Having managed to win a rusty sidewinder through an allegedly tinged card game, Alpenmilch quickly made a name for himself through doubtful transactions and gained a small fortune.

His abilities have earned him a high rank in both the Federal and the Imperial Navy. It proves to be useful for our enterprises and at the same time withdraws from our access. All attempts at detention have failed. His criminal record covers several terrabytes.
NOTE: The search is suspended until further notice at the request of higher places (file locked).

In the year 3302, Alpenmilch succeeded in setting up a loose but powerful group with around 50 pilots, called LIKEDEELER (see LIKEDEELER OF MICHEL, LIKEDEELER OF COLONIA, [LoMaC]) . This group has, despite its obvious criminal background, brought it to a certain reputation in the galactic community because, according to its own statement, it damages only the NPCs despised by them, but maintains a friendly relationship with the so-called CMDR.
NOTE: Incomprehensible! Further explanation!

At present, this association is striving to expand its activities in the Colonia region. Here LIKEEDEELER succeeded in detaining the authorities as one of the first factions to establish their own system. In addition, LIKEDEELERN has succeeded in forming a coalition with the prestigious United German Commanders [UGC], the Explorers on Tour [EoT], the Winged Hussars [TWH] and even the Collective of Independent Agents [CIA]. The LIKEDEELER are now present in more than 30 Systems with more than 120 Pilots on their Rooster. It is strongly recommended that all LIKEDEELER activities be intensively monitored.
NOTE: Highly rejected!

Possibly, this grouping has internal information from the empire and the Federation, which it uses to blackmail prominent representatives. Thus, e.g. By personal letters that Alpenmilch and the famous Holostar"Miss Eccy", the deceased wife of Prince Harold Duval and mother of Princess Aisling Duval, were friends with each other in the middle of the 3270s. Supposedly suspicious rumors about doubts about the unbroken male bloodline of the Duvals may have contributed to the fact that Princess Aisling Duval's entitlement to the throne was not confirmed by the Senate. As a matter of fact, a medical examination with reference to the dignity of the imperial family was rejected.
CMDR Fen Alpenmilch's coincidental similarity to Princess Duval is not a sufficient proof of such rumours. Nevertheless, it must be warned that the group LIKEDEELER successfully used this red-haired "doppelganger" of the Royal Highness already in illegal operations with fraud character. Cf .: Galnet Article: "Betrug auf Henderson Ring? (Fraud on Henderson Ring?)"
NOTE: Immediately delete the entry, report to the supervisor!

Investigation notes:

Alpenmilch is armed, drunk and dangerous!

Other abnormalities: He often gives his ships historical type names of the company Lakon Spaceways (formerly Opel/Vauxhall).

You should be advised about your whereabouts so that you can access them quickly.

Notes on the search:
Witnesses report: "You only have to look for the most sleazoid barrelhouses of the galaxy, to have a drink from Alpenmilch.

His ship is always that, with most of the deposit bottles in the loader room, and even to the last corner full of tobacco, because even in filthy he does not dispense with the production of self-turned cigars.

Besides, he's the only pilot who smokes inside a closed spacesuit! "


This holo-me file has recently been intercepted. Possibly it is the wanted one. Unfortunately, the automatic facial scan is effectively disturbed by the silly eye painting.

More information about the LIKEDEELER could be found here
The Likedeeler Guide to the Galaxy
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