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Locations from the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog [pt. 1]

In this holyday, I set up a short [in terms of galactic distances] exploration for visiting planets identified in the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog (HEC). These are solar bodies whom are, hypothetically,  able to sustain life as we know from Earth's Natural History. There are two main categories of planets: Realistic Exoplanets (REXO) and Optimistic Exoplanets (OEXO). The details behind these terms,  I will let you commanders to find out for yourselves, but in summary, they are based on the distance between the star and the planet, geological features and the amount of radiation and plasma that the bodies are exposed to.

By this date, there are 24 REXO and 36 OEXO already discovered in our galaxy. However, perhaps my Cartographic skills are not that good or my Discovery Scan is not advanced enough, because I was able to find only 13 REXO and 8 OEXO. So, Entered in my 59LY-jump Diamondback Explorer (named Taxi pra Estação Lunar), during the afternoon of 01 NOV 3306  I started my journey from Galileo Station, orbiting Earth's Moon at Sol system. In my Navigation Plan, I managed to order my visitations in based on the distance from Sol. Therefore, my Frameshift Drive charged pointing towards a 4.38 LY trip to Alpha Centauri. Engage!

Arriving at this trinary-star system, it toke me around 1-hour to reach out Proxima Centauri b [HEC nomenclature], also known as Eden. This low-gravity High metal content world, with hot thick atmosphere, is small and lighter than Earth with almost a thousand degrees Celsius of temperature continuously heated by the magma expelled from a some volcanism activity detected. I believe these are more than enough reasons why I could not land on this planet (at least until now).  One last feature of this REXO is that it has the same rotational period of Earth (1 day) but it takes only 31 days to complete their entire orbit around its star Proxima Centauri. This system is already known by humanity. In fact around Eden, orbits an outpost called Hutton Orbital (see the image). So, after spend a 1-hour route while on Supercruise, don't forget to dock at this station and drink a Centauri Mega Gin in a The Hutton Mug. Two items only found in this station. Cheers, CMDRs!

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