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Following this journey, I engaged my Frameshift Drive heading to the system Ross 128. This system has not its open doors for everyone. You need to recognize by Federation as an Ensign. In this system, there is a single body orbiting the star, Ross 128 b, also known as Grant's Claim. In fact, there is a tourist point explaining the origin of this name and why it is now considered a Legal Installation. This high metal content world is almost half the Earth's size, with and only 10% of Earth's mass, which makes Grant's Claim a low-gravity world (0.48 G). Despite that, Grant's Claim still sustain an thin atmosphere mainly composed by carbon dioxide. One day in Grant's Claim is equal five days on Earth, tough it takes only 19 days on Earth to complete a year.

Next stop: Luyten's Star. This star was named after Willem Jacob Luyten, one of the astronomer from the early days who discovered this star. This system has 19 celestial bodies, but the one that made me come here is  GJ 273 b, or Luyten's Star 1. This Class I giant has two nice rings and two moons orbiting around it. It is very unlike that humanity could call this planet a new home, however its moons may serve as a place for starting a colony, since I could detect some water geysers in their surface.

Moving on... 12 LY from Sol, I reached tau Cet. Here, I was looking for tau Cet f. According to the old registries, this system should have eight celestial bodies, however there is only four of them and an asteroid belt. This is one first system that we established a colony. Looking at the characteristics of these four planets, I believe tau Cet f is the one now called Taylor Colony (see the image of the city lights at Taylor Colony). This warm (42 degrees Celsius) Earth-like world has half our Earth's mass, and almost the same size. Gravity in Taylor Colony is also quite similar (0.86 G). A day at Taylor Colony has half of the time than on Earth, whereas the orbital period is larger: 467 days. The atmosphere is very similar to the Earth and it stage is already Terraformed.  So, Taylor Colony, by all means, was one of the best candidates to be a new Earth discovered back on the days. It is worth to come and pay a visit to some touristic points found here telling about the arrival of the first humans, the ecological disasters related to the colonization process and also political conflicts between Empire and Federation.

In this system, there is also an OEXO, that is named tau Cet e in other registries than that in the HEC. I think this may be the one know as Bell's Wreck. This planet has a high metal content, with thin carbon dioxide atmosphere, but in contrast to Taylor colony, this planet is constantly in a heavy winter. Its temperature is -54 degrees Celsius! So, this is not already for Terraformation, but maybe with some intervention we could make that possible.

In the next part of this log, I will talk about the first exoplanet I have landed and four exoplanets that exists in the same system!
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