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Moving away from the bubble, I reached the system Kepler-186. Here I scanned Kepler-186 f, the fifth planet in the order, a high metal content world measuring 237 degrees Celsius in this surface with an atmosphere made by carbon and sulphur dioxide, though its solid content and gravity is quite similar to Earth. Although it was classified as a REXO, it is quite near its star, which makes it very unlikely to be in fact an exoplanet.

Next stop there was two consecutive OEXO: Kepler-22 and Kepler-296. The first should have one REXO (kepler-22 b)  and the later two OEXO (kepler-296 e and f). However, coincidently or not, these three OEXO are actually class III gas giants, so not suitable for bean inhabited by humans at least. Kepler-62 is another system with REXO and OEXO candidates. about a thousand LY from Earth, this system has kepler-62 e, an OEXO and kepler-62 f, a possible REXO. Again, similar to kepler-22 and kepler-296, these two planets are also class III giants. The last four candidates are OEXO present in four different kepler systems: -61 b, -174 d, -283 c and -298 d. Ironically, all four candidates are also class III gas giants!

I believe I will not find any other candidates with this old files. In fact the Kepler space telescope (yes, these kepler systems were mapped using this telescope) were discontinued in 2018 because it ran out of fuel. I wonder which other amazing discoveries it could have made if the Fuel Scoop was already invented! Now it is time to make my 1,500 LY solo trip way back to the bubble, dock at Joliot-Curie Port , sell these exploration data and tell my comrades commanders about the discoveries I made.


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