Logbook entry

Trail of Breadcrumbs I - Samequit to Leesti

24 Jun 2020Toasterfire
Stated goal today was to get to Lave in Alliance space (10 jumps or so) to facilitate a maiden trip outside bubble space. Being in a decked out cobra with a very low budget rather than a light dedicated exploration ship my jumps are limited to 10 ly, so I passed through a few "empty" systems with a few stars only. I didn't come across many cmdrs- except when docking at Grandin Plant, Agatavun, where someone managed to pull a 90 degree turn into the mailbox with Anaconda. We exchanged salutes and I complimented his flying ability.

I had one minor detour on my planned route to Lave- Leesti. On the galaxy map, it's a very large star, so I wanted to see just how big it was but when I saw the local station was called the "George Lucas" I couldn't resist visiting and decided to dock there for sleep. I surface scanned Leesti upon seeing it was an earthlike out of curiosity as well- I've been in such a hurry to head "up" I've only really surface scanned a few metallic planets rather than being methodical and doing all of them like they teach is good practice- it's in the bubble, who cares?

In my excitement to dock at the George Lucas (and deciding I was a big boy, with the autodock off for once), I neglected to ask for permission. I made it all the way through the mailslot before I realised my error, panicked, crashed into one of the control towers and losing my shields before regaining my bearings and shooting back out. When I was eventually allowed back in by an irate control I had a fine to pay. I'm just glad I didn't damage the station or the Breadcrumbs II.

I notice that the George Lucas sells a few special goods- these must be the ones you have to travel 100 ly to sell for a big payday. Something to consider when I turn back towards Samequit.

I could really tell which systems I bothered to do a thorough surface scan on when selling my map information- the increase in revenue is quite a lot. Perhaps I should also scan interesting stars- I'm sure there's an infographic somewhere on galnet about which targets are worth the time.

I've also started fiddling with the remote cameras. Got a couple of nice snaps.

Tomorrow I'm thinking making the 13 jumps to Chukchan as it's a pleasingly odd looking outshoot of the bubble. I think once there I'll then try and lighten the Breadcrumbs as much as possible to eke out as much jump range and try my hand at exploring the vicinity.
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︎3 Shiny!
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