Logbook entry

Trail of Breadcrumbs III - Chukchan Sector

28 Jun 2020Toasterfire
Past few day's activities summary:

25/06/3306: Just the 1 jump today from Sheroo to Frigenses, as I was making detailed scans of the planets in both systems. I put in at Crown Mines after a short day of cartography. I've found a few stations are run by a group called PLOID, including a couple of independent (non-exploited by power play factions) ones. For a dictatorship they don't seem all that unpleasant, and seem to be present in an area I'm vaguely interested in using as a base to explore beyond the bubble from. Maybe I could run a few jobs for them in the future for a bit of pocket money?

26/06/3306: Made it to the "Chukchan sector", which until told otherwise I guess I'll be calling that offshoot freestanding bubble surrounding Chukchan system. My plan was to use a system in this sector to purchase a few upgrades for the Breadcrumbs II with my exploration data money and store a few modules not needed for a quick jaunt to the black. However, I got hooked into a courier job to Chuckchan from Tse and decided to make it worth my time by moving some Palladium the same way.

From there, I pinged around the sector. I went diving into the rings of Chukchan 5b A to see what it looked like and tailed the law enforcement to grab a couple of sucker punches on weak pirates. This gave me a taste of bounty hunting, so I took a few missions to hunt down some low level bounties as well as the odd courier and delivery job. I used the proceeds to upgrade my powerplant and FSD to A rated systems and buy a heatsink, as well as minor upgrades to the fuel scoop, life support, sensors and cannons. I also gave the Breadcrumbs a new lick of paint and finally got round to stenciling in its name and ID. Some of the modules got rewired into more sensible places on the advice of the local mechanics. The FSD alone cost me 1.6 mill but the Breadcrumbs has doubled its jump range to 20 ly. My rebuy has increased to around a quarter of a million credits and immediately after upgrading I only had 750,000 in my account- I was getting worried, as the first thing they drill into you while getting your license is "don't fly without a rebuy". However, after a bit more graft (delivering clothing on behalf of the Shen Tze Corp from Chuckran to Kusat) I had a bit of a financial cushion again. I put in at the Ron Hubbard Hub in Kusat.

The Breadcrumbs II after its new outfitting. The racing stripes are gone for now.

27/06/3306: The Ron Hubbard, Kusat, will be my base of operations in the sector, due to its position right on the edge of the sector.  I decided today to do a preliminary journey to ensure everything is working as intended while still being a recoverable distance from the bubble. I only made 3 jumps out- first to Dharuwar, where my codex bleeped I had found and scanned my first terraformable high metal content body, and into the Antliaes where to much excitement I found not only my first T Tauri star (there are 2 in the system) but that that while someone had "honked" Antliae Sector DB-X c1-8, no one had mapped the 3 gas giants in the system. Immediately I tore straight back to Kusat to see if it wasn't a UI error or anything- nope! There they were, 3 gas giants completely skipped over by all the commanders with a surface scanner in history a mere 2 jumps away from the bubble.

I stayed over at the Ron Hubbard. I've decided to chart an expedition to investigate the Antliaes systems and see if anything else was missed.
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