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The Aristocratic Promenade in Aluriates

01 Sep 2021F0xgod

The Aristocratic Promenade in Aluriates


Beyond three millenia, and the qualms of yesteryear’s philosophers still hold pertinence. In specific, a principle by which governs the innate human desire to strive for more. To perform better, to excel. An insatiable lust for freedom, yet control. An intoxicatingly motivating force to be as unshackled as a dancer, but so vain to put everyone else in chains. The aristocrats of Aluriates know this dance, this promenade on their will to power, more than any dictator, counsel, or oligarch in a hundred lightyears. The sycophants gather in the megalopolis of Pyrrus, the largest City on Aluriates celestial body AB-1. Only members of the Noble Houses and their scrupulously vetted servants populate the inner, most fortified sector of the bastion; and a bastion it is! Nano-polycarbonate steel walls form its borders, reinforced by the Houses’ bannermen, an array of A-class turrets, and shield generators with more capacity than an overcharged Imperial Clipper’s. A symbol of domineering authority, befitting the cesspit that is the system’s hierarchy.

From that wretched hive, the magistrates can sprawl their tentacles of filth. Gone! Misbegotten are the days of what it meant to be truly Imperial. Now, the Consuls in House Publius and House Tirranius sully their hands with sodomizing unworthy lowborns. The Quaestors of the minor families overturn their pledges for the false promises of political position, credits, or shares in Federal shadow-corporations. Ignorant fools! They grow blind to the plight of the outer worlds. The agrarian colonies shrink year by year; the young men have all been conscripted to join the war effort and return in black boxes; an incurable xeno plague festers, to the point that liquidating the crops on C-2 and AB-4 cannot hold it at bay. The Quaestors who still hold true to their vows beg for a morsel of aid, but it’s dismissed in the web of bureaucracy. At least they're all so confounded in their disgust for the outsider that our borders are kept secure, but the refugee and the invader are at the gates - waiting for their chance. It will come, and it will not be the Federation invasion or Pirate raids who bring about the end of Imperial rule in Aluriates, it will be the aristocrats themselves!

These aristocrats - these pestilent growths in a failed system - need expunged. Imperial Senate, dispatch your Praetors! Send salvation to Aluriates, for it knows none other than ire and brimstone.

This article is the rambling of the firstborn of House Caelestius, published January 20th, 3302 and intended to be sent to the Imperial Senatus. Pressure from House Caelestius, one of the five ruling families in Aluriates' feudal system, caused this article to never see transmission beyond the house itself.
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