Logbook entry

New Acquisitions

03 Jul 2020CherryGurl18
"Ms Stahl. Excuse Mrs Stahl. You have a tele-conference with Mr Wethers from Jaques scheduled in 10 minutes. Ms Bruthanvan is already standing by awaiting the call."

Much appreciated, Elizabeth. I am on my way now.

[Conference Room for the meeting]

Johanna Stahl: Greetings from across the Galaxy, Mr. Wethers.

Talisa Bruthanvan: Good afternoon, Mr. Wethers. How are you?

Roger Wethers: Hello ladies. I am fine. I am excited to finally be having this meeting with the both of you. We here at Jaques are extremely enthusiastic of your upcoming visit. The board and I have deliberated through the night about your offer to buy out the corporation. We have reviewed your terms and accept them.

TB: This is a major milestone and something that would benefit the Colonia region and points further tremendously.

JS: The amount of jobs that would open up due to this acquisition would be huge! They haven't formally signed an agreement, but the Brewer Co said they would be open to constructing more starports along the Colonia Connection Highway as well as closer to the Galactic core.

RW: That would be a huge benefit to weary explorers making the voyage to the centre as well as Beagle Point. As you are aware, the number of system outposts outnumber the Coriolis/Ocellus/Orbis starports in and around Colonia. If there were more habitable living space starports, I believe an increasing number of people would choose to relocate here.

TB: We've ran some numbers, and we would definitely see an increase in population in the nebula if we were to run with this proposed plan. Ms Stahl has submitted a design plan for more asteroid bases on route to SAG A*.

JS: Yes. There are many optimal systems which could provide explorers the necessary needs for their journey. The two major highways in use to SAG A* and Colonia are the Colonia Connection and the Neutron Highway. Both are majorly outdated and severely unsafe with the lack of facilities located en route.

RW: What do you ladies propose happen then?

TB: Our plan is to construct asteroid bases and several Ocellus starports along the two highways. Many travelers who utilize these routes are truly unaware of the severe dangers they possess, especially the Neutron Highway. With the construction of stations, damaged vessels can be serviced/repaired.

JS: During our visit to Colonia, we have a meeting scheduled with engineer Petra Olmanova to discuss upgrading AFMU's. We have a plan that may greatly improve the repairing process of the AFMUs. Broken ship canopies are a threat to anyone. At this time, only station maintenance can repair them, but we may be on the verge of fixing that little obstacle.

RW: This all sounds extremely great! We look forward to hearing everything this weekend. Till then, enjoy the rest of your day.

JS/TB: Thank you. You as well.

[Signing off]
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