Logbook entry

Arrival in Colonia

11 Jul 2020CherryGurl18
Oh how I love the blue-purple hue of this region. Hey Talisa, we should definitely do a lot more sightseeing around the Nebula after all our work is completed.

"Greetings Ms Stahl, Ms Bruthanvan. Welcome to Jaques Station. My name is Denis Macavoy. I am station supervisor. I hope the trip was pleasant for you ladies. Colonia Dreamscape is our premier luxury liners."

Yes, it was extremely enjoyable. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. This liner definitely exceeded the reviews we read about it. They are definitely receiving a large recommendation from us.

"Mr Wethers and the rest of the Jaques board members await your presence in the tower. I shall escort you there. Our concierge shall bring your belongings to your rooms. Please follow me, ladies."

[We traverse the station interior to a waiting elevator which will shuttle us to the top floor of the station tower]

"Right through this door. And please enjoy your stay in our lovely system."

[We walk through the door to a room of 12 waiting board members]

"Welcome Ms Stahl and Ms Bruthanvan. We here at Jaques would like to formally welcome you two young ladies to our historic station. I believe I speak for everyone here that we are looking forward to this new direction you will provide Colonia with. Please...have a seat and let's get started with this."

[The Following Day]

"Greetings from the Promenade at Jaques Station. This is CJ Pryde of Vox Galactica reporting to you LIVE. In just a few short moments, the NEW owners of Jaques will be publicly announcing the change in management as well as plans for the future. Oh..I'm getting word it's beginning now. Let's pan over and catch this moment in history."

Hello citizens of Colonia. Today Ms Bruthanvan and I want to announce we have bought ownership of Jaques Council. Together we will oversee and operate all management and activities regarding Jaques throughout Colonia. We have spoken with the board and decided that the name "Jaques" has extreme significance in the Milky Way, so we concluded that the name will remain. All products manufactured here in Colonia will ALWAYS bare the name of Jaques.

As Ms Stahl stated, we have drawn up plans to populate a larger portion of the Colonia Connection Highway. We need to make it safer and more affordable for our explorers to reach Colonia in one piece. This will also open up new advertisements for citizens open to residing in Colonia.
We want to ensure you that the safety of our citizens is of utmost importance. We have employed a large scale security force to monitor and secure all systems within the Colonia Network. Colonia's new system security, Sentinel, will act as system authorities and prevent terrorist/pirate attacks.
CEO of Sentinel, Elizabeth Rogers, has expressed great elation at being able to work for us and for the people of Colonia.

Citizens of Colonia, we are here to create safe and lucrative jobs, maintain a peaceful and safe haven for people to live, converse, and make a living. We will NOT let you down.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone of you!
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