Logbook entry

The Holloway Conundrum

22 Jul 2020CherryGurl18

"Ms Stahl, we have arrived at Holloway. Sentinel Fleet Admiral Lindholm has safely secured the centre and we are cleared to proceed into the facility."

Thank you, Elizabeth. Talisa has just walked in, so shall we depart?

[We walk out onto the dock amidst protesters voicing their opinions over recent Thargoid shipments. We are greeted by a team of researchers who welcome us into the science facility.]

"Welcome, welcome wonderful contributors! Good day. I am Dr Roy Casimir, chief researcher here at Holloway. We are blessed to have you both with us today. Shall we proceed into the conference room?"

[We proceed into the conference room to be greeted by a dozen scientists and doctors]

(Talisa): Let's get right down to business, ladies and gentlemen. As you can see from outside your window, you have many citizens upset with recent acquisitions of Thargoid samples. We understand that to fight the bug, we must learn from the bug. This however is what is holding Holloway back from its priorities. Colonia is the MAIN priority. Our people are suffering from an outbreak in Centralis, and Holloway is sending the minimum number of scientists and doctors to combat it. This is unacceptable! SentCom is stretching their fleet thin to shuttle outside doctors and researchers which is leading to pirate incursions in low secure systems.

(Johanna): Ms Bruthanvan is absolutely right. Holloway is the pristine research centre in the Nebula. We own the ruling faction of this system. The system that this centre is located in. Therefore, we must demand an immediate cease and desist order regarding all shipments of xeno samples, experiments and operations. All convoys are to safely dispose of any xeno materials they are transporting and return to their origin ports. Shutdown EVERY operation immediately! We can not risk a Thargoid incursion in the Nebula. They are content on haunting Witch space at the moment and that is where we must keep them. There are many science centres designed for xenos in the Pleiades and Witch Head. Let them do the work they were designed for.

(Dr Casimir): I won't lie if I said we were not disappointed in this directive, but we do understand. I will give the order to shutdown operations and destroy all samples and research immediately.

(Talisa): In return for this, we shall provide you with the new equipment and materials you need to expand operations in the nebula and beyond. I have spoken with the CEO of Tha Agency and she has stated that should all xeno operations cease here, they would be willing to help out with day to day operations here at Holloway. She and her organization are extremely willing to help out the people of Colonia but only if it benefits Colonia's people and does not put them in danger.

(Johanna): I say we take this outside and address the protesters together about the current situation.

[The group proceeds outside the facility and gathers in front of the protesting crowd]

(Talisa): Greetings citizens of Colonia. Can we please have afew moments of your time? (The crowd simmers down) We have spoken with Dr Casimir of Holloway and have demanded the immediate termination of all Thargoid operations. He and his staff here have agreed to refocus all their activities and operations on YOU, the people of Colonia! (The crowd claps and cheers) The Agency have pledged to focus on helping maintain operations run smoothly with Holloway. All vessels transporting xeno shipments have been ordered to destroy and dispose of all Thargoid samples and return to their assigned ports. The safety of you, our citizens is of utmost importance! WELCOME.....to the new Colonia!

[the crowd erupts into cheers and clapping]
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