Logbook entry

To the core and back - Day 8

23 Aug 2015Fizzix
I am now just over half way to Sag A* at 13000Ly from sol, I have had two very close calls, the first of which nearly had me. I exited hyperspace passing through one star before stopping before another. My heat levels immediately started to rise and warnings started blaring. I started to take damage as I steered past the star in front of me at full speed. At over 150% heat things started to cool down. I survived, just. Thanks to my foresight I brought along an Auto Maintenance unit, so any damage was quickly repaired.

The second near miss was exactly the same thing, but I managed to get out before I took any damage. Crazy design flaw in the hyperspace jump drive I think, lol.

Anyway, I have actually done very little exploring. Time being difficult in RL. But I have found several water worlds and an Earth like all first discoverer of course, as long as I can continue in safety that is, and get the data home.

As always, Fly Safe Commanders.
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