Logbook entry

To The Core And Back - Day 55 HOME

09 Oct 2015Fizzix
Well I have finally made it back to my home system and am pleased to say my wing men didn't let me down. I had an escort for the final part of my journey from CMDR Azegul Star rider and I am extremely grateful to him for that.

I made 65 million on my trip, and I am sitting at 59% pioneer - so Elite is just a short trip away. I am aleady planning my new trip. but first, I might spend a bit of time doing some other stuff.

I can't believe the way FD screwed up the exploration data as I approached the final leg of my journey.I have lost enough, but I have no real idea how much.

Fly Safe Commanders,

CMDR Fizzix.

Obsidian Flight leader of Raven Division,
Ghost Squadron
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