Logbook entry

Elite Within Reach - Day 1

09 Nov 2015Fizzix
So I loaded the asp up with all the gear, and had her specially painted before heading out to try to earn the last 38 Million Cr I need to reach Elite. The thing is, I have set myself the goal of returning before December 27th. That will be exactly one year after first receiving my pilots Federation Licence and a crappy old Sidewinder.

I usually manage about an hour on week days, and maybe 3 or 4 at the weekends, so it's going to be quite close. 70 hours means around 550,000 Cr per hour.

So anyway Im heading off to VY Canis Majoris and then I think I'll head round in an arc to the left, heading towards the Neutron fields, then continue turning until I reach home.

As always, fly safe commanders.
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