Logbook entry

Elite Within Reach - One week in

15 Nov 2015Fizzix
Having reached some neutron stars on my way to the Eastern side of the galaxy, I am making good progress. I am currently on track by earning 6.8 million this week, which is exactly what I need if I am to reach my goal by December 27th.

I am about to explore a region of about 50 "B" type stars that have some black holes in amongst them, Should be fairly profitable but more importantly I think I will try to get my name on all the stars in the group.

The main neutron fields are still a way off, but I'm in no rush.

This week I have found:-
2 Earth-likes
8 Terraformable Water worlds
1 black hole
12 terraformable High Metal Worlds
4 neutron stars
2 ammonia worlds
7 Water worlds

and a whole bunch more

As always, Fly Safe Commanders
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