Logbook entry

Day 8 - Deep Dark (First Earth like of the trip)

24 Jul 2015Fizzix
I have been using a revised tactic today - filtering only F,G and K type systems in the hope to find some Earth-Like planets. I was finding many water worlds, gas giants with water and ammonia based life, even an ammonia world. But now I have eventually found  my first Earth Like  Planet of the trip, right beside a water world, suitable for terraforming. Interestingly the primary was a G type like Sol, but the ELP was around the secondary - a type K star. This was the 35th system visited today.

The hunt continues.

I've been using the planet's sound to help in the task, and can confirm that The ELP did indeed have bird song and the water world had the sound of water. In fact, I started entering this log entry while over 80,000 Ls from the ELP,  I was that confident.

Visited almost 14 systems per hour today.
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