Logbook entry

Day 13 - Deep Dark (Final leg)

29 Jul 2015Fizzix
I actually went much further than expected yesterday, and was one jump from inhabited space when I finished my shift yesterday. Within about 10 jumps I was back in my home system of Heheng, only to discover that I am Hostile - WTF?

Anyway I was subjected to an interdiction attempt on the first inhabited system I got to, and I panicked at the thought of losing all my data. After a brief period of adjustment I managed to evade the interdiction, and continued on my way. I do carry guns, for that very reason, but why submit and take any chances right?

Now you are all dying to know hom much I made on my wee journey into the Deep Dark aren't you?

I made 15 million credits so I am quite happy with that. Works out about 400,000 Cr per hour, which isn't bad.  It put my exploration ranking a bit further towards my next ranking - Went from 46% Ranger to 85% Ranger. I'm a wee bit dissappointed at that actually. Was hoping to get promotion. Oh well, looks like I might have to do the core run after all. but I think I will leave exploring for a few weeks.

For all you commanders out there who have never tried exploration, it is very rewarding, in more than just cash terms. It is interesting, beautiful, and challenging. But the great thing is that anyone can do it  - from sidewinder to anaconda all it takes it the will to do it. And an Advanced discovery scanner and a detailed surface scanner oh and an Auto field-maintenance unit might coome in handy too - but not essential to get started.

As always, fly safe commanders.

Additional :

My ship integrity was down to just 25% which was a bit surprising.
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