Logbook entry

Grinding into the letterbox

08 Aug 2015Fizzix
My daily grind continues, and am making more money than ever by flying in a wing - so get trade bonus too now. Last night I had an interesting and disasterous argument with the letterbox as I was leaving the station carrying 452 tonnes of imperial slaves. I crashed as I entered the slot and backed out, the warnings from the station started blaring , Flustered I lined myself carefully and again crashed into nothing. Frustrated my wing man had a go and he got through fine - I tried two more times, without success, before, inevitably the station opened fire on me. Cost me over 14 million credits between insurance and cargo, so that was a bit of a downer.

Additional: Put a ticket in,you never know. Will update when I find out anything.

Final update: FD just put my 14 mil back into my account. Gotta love them really.
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