Logbook entry

Sheriff's log 0006

07 May 2020Lestat Sinjiko
wakes up in a dimly lit pod body stiff and tense from stasis

[system analysis]
heart rate: normal
muscle mass: normal with a 5% increase
oni eye implant: fully operational
body scan: no signs of infection or disease

[welcome back to the land of the living commander]

looks around a bit confused as the pod listed things off than suddenly depressurized to open the hatch he slowly sat up looking around what looked to be a medbay "where am I?" he asked gripping the side of the pod as he moves to climb out of it

a door open and in walks in a woman in a lab coat face lit up in a smile "commander we are so happy to see you awake"
he looked her over slowly and thought to himself "we?"

she continued to walk into the room lights turning as she proceeded "you've been down for quite a bit of time we were not sure you'd wake up so soon" she said sitting into a chair and turning to face him, deep green eyes looking him over before she looked down to the chart in her hand "please do not be confused do you know who you are commander"

he stared her right at her looking her over as he studied her looking for any hit of deception or danger before he jumped out of the pod onto his feet and stretched "I am Lestat Sinjiko commander and the sheriff or the EDPF" he turned to a blank screen seeing his face he leaned in and looked over himself a bit "the last thing I remember is taking out some pirates and then..." everything was blank after that "and then... I woke up in that pod" he said looking at the pod than to the strange woman across the room

she nodded and wrote something down on her chart "well it seems you don't know anything about your accident at all might be from the nasty bump to your head" she stood up and walked over to a tablet picking up what looked to be a medical scanner and moved over to him pointing it at his head as she spoke further " your brain scans are normal you should remember in time"

he looked her over she was quite short compared to him but it didn't matter he was more worried about the accident and his ship "and what of the Andromeda?" he asked almost in a growl his voice coarse from months of not speaking

she smiles and shook her head "man wakes up from a medically induced coma and all he can worry about is his ship" she smirked and winked at him "your ship is fine it was a little banged up after the crash but it survived along with you"

he nodded and sighed relaxing a bit knowing the old girl was in one piece was a huge relief "she might be old but she built to last I redid every inch of her myself" he stated proudly knowing his work was probably the only thing that kept him alive

she completed her scans and smiled again at him "it's quite protective over you recuse parties had to contact one of your umm wolves? before the fighters that launched stood down and let anyone get to you"

he chuckled knowing all too well what she meant "SOS protocols I designed into the old girl in she ever crashed" than it hit him "what happened to my co-pilot? did she survive is she alright?" he knew Liz was a stubborn one so she should be alive

the doctor looked at him and smiled softly "she survived although she did mention something about you being a heavy old shitbag and that you owe her a raise " she walked over to a panel on the walk and tapped a few keys than opened the hatch "here is a fresh uniform and all your belongings I'd like to see you in a week to check up and run more scans"

he quirked a brow and half wheezed and laughed "sounds like Liz can you tell me where I am and how I got here" he said as he walked over to grab his uniform and get dressed not caring if the doctor was right there at all

she sighed and gave him a serious look "no sir, unfortunately, I can't right now not until you've been debriefed" she then turned to walk out the main door "follow the blue arrows they will lead you back to your ship and crewman she has the info to where you need to go after. take care of yourself commander"

to be continued.....
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