Logbook entry

return to the bubble

21 Sep 2024Lestat Sinjiko
Ship’s Log: Andromeda
Commander: Lestat Sinjiko
Co-Pilot: Liz Jackson
Location: Bugal Point, entering the Bubble
Date: 09/21/3310

[Entry 01] - 18:00:00

We’ve just exited hyperspace at the edge of Bugal Point. The vastness of the void feels strangely comforting, but it’s time to head back to civilization. Liz is running diagnostics on the Andromeda. The outer systems have been uneventful, but something feels off. The tension in the air is palpable.

[Entry 02] - 18:15:00

We've received multiple distress signals flooding in from the Bubble. Thargoids. The word sends a shiver down my spine. Liz’s fingers are flying over the controls as she tries to decipher the signals. “Looks like they’re attacking everywhere, Commander,” she reports. “We need to get to a station.”

[Entry 03] - 18:30:00

We’re in combat readiness mode. I’ve never seen the Bubble this chaotic. It’s a web of frantic escape vectors and distress calls. Liz’s voice is steady beside me, reassuring despite the mounting danger. “Keep your head on straight, Lestat. We’ve handled worse.”

[Entry 04] - 18:45:00

As we enter the system, a Thargoid Interceptor appears on our sensors. My heart races. “Engage evasive maneuvers!” I bark, and we lurch to the side just as the alien ship fires a burst of green plasma. The Andromeda shudders under the impact but holds.

[Entry 05] - 18:50:00

I fire back with the multi-cannons. The rounds slam into the Interceptor, its shields flickering like a dying star. “One more hit, Commander!” Liz urges. I squeeze the trigger, and the Thargoid explodes in a brilliant flash. Victory tastes sweet, but the taste is short-lived.

[Entry 06] - 19:00:00

A second Interceptor is on our six. I engage the thrusters, but it’s relentless. I glance at Liz; she’s focused, tracking the enemy. “We’ve got company,” she warns. Just as I pull the Andromeda into a sharp dive, its plasma bolts graze the hull, sending sparks flying.

[Entry 07] - 19:10:00

Liz shouts, “We need to get out of here!” I fire the torpedoes in a desperate move. They strike true, the explosion lighting up our cockpit. But as the fireball dissipates, I see the outline of a Basilisk looming ahead.

[Entry 08] - 19:15:00

“Not good, Lestat! We’re outgunned!” Liz's voice trembles slightly. I can’t back down now. I engage my shields and begin a series of evasive rolls. The Basilisk fires, and we’re hit hard. The cockpit shakes violently, and I can feel something slice through my side. Pain shoots through me.

[Entry 09] - 19:20:00

“Commander! You’re hit!” Liz exclaims, panic creeping into her voice. I can’t afford to lose focus. “Keep us steady!” I command, gritting my teeth against the pain. I fire back at the Basilisk, the energy bolts finding their mark, but it retaliates fiercely.

[Entry 10] - 19:25:00

Another hit, this time directly to the cockpit. I see blood on my hands and realize it’s mine. My left arm hangs at an odd angle, and I struggle to maintain control. “We need to jump!” Liz screams, but the jump drives are damaged.

[Entry 11] - 19:30:00

With a final surge of adrenaline, I hit the Basilisk with a full salvo, and it detonates in a spectacular explosion. But at what cost? I can barely keep my eyes open, the world fading in and out as I feel the ship spin wildly.

[Entry 12] - 19:35:00

Liz takes over the controls, her voice steady but urgent. “We’re getting out of here!” The ship jolts violently as we enter hyperspace. My vision narrows, and everything fades to black.

[Entry 13] - 20:00:00

I wake up in a med bay on Fort Escher. My left arm is a mess; cybernetic upgrades are required. Liz is at my side, concern etched across her face. “You’re gonna be okay, Lestat,” she reassures me.

[Entry 14] - 20:15:00

The invasion is real. We’ve lost friends, allies, and I nearly lost everything. But I’m still here. Liz and I will regroup. We’ll upgrade the Andromeda and face them again. This war isn’t over, and neither am I.

[Entry 15] - 20:30:00

The logs are complete. I’ve fought and bled for the Bubble, and I’ll fight again. This time, with a new arm and a heart that knows no fear.

End of Log
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