Logbook entry

Back in the fight once more

30 Sep 2024Lestat Sinjiko
Ship’s Log: Andromeda
Commander: Lestat Sinjiko
Co-Pilot: Liz Jackson
Location: Shinrarta Dezhra
Date: 09/30/3310

[Entry 01] - 08:00:00
Finally back at the helm of the Andromeda after a week of recovery from surgery. The cybernetic upgrades are fully integrated, and while I still feel the ghost of my old arm, the new enhancements give me a sense of strength and resilience I didn’t know I needed. Liz has been a rock throughout this ordeal, managing the ship and preparing us for what lies ahead.

Today, we’re launching the Anti-Xeno Enforcement Agency (AXEA) to combat the Thargoid invasion that has swept through Shinrarta Dezhra. The reports have been grim—civilians in panic, ships destroyed, and systems destabilized. We’re not just defending ourselves; we’re taking the fight to them. As I review the ship's systems, the upgrades shine brightly in the cockpit lights, a testament to our determination to protect our home.

[Entry 02] - 10:15:00
Our call for pilots has resonated throughout the Bubble. The response has been overwhelming. We’re assembling a small fleet of brave souls willing to face the Thargoid threat head-on. Liz has been tirelessly coordinating the incoming pilots, ensuring their ships are battle-ready and that they understand the risks involved.

As we prepare for the upcoming conflict, I can’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie building among our ranks. This isn’t just about fighting; it’s about unity. We’ve gathered some impressive ships—Vultures, Cobras, and even a couple of Corvettes. I take a moment to look over the Andromeda, proud of her new enhancements: reinforced shields, upgraded weapon systems, and a bay of drone fighters ready for deployment.

[Entry 03] - 12:00:00
The time has come. We’ve received word that the Thargoids are launching another assault. Our scouts report three waves of Interceptors heading toward Shinrarta Dezhra. I gather the pilots for a briefing. “We need to stay sharp and work together,” I emphasize, the gravity of our mission weighing heavily on us. “These Thargoids are relentless, but we’re not backing down. We are here to reclaim our skies.”

As we launch, the adrenaline surges through me. The Andromeda cuts through the atmosphere, and the sight of allied ships surrounding us is invigorating. The anticipation is electric as we enter the combat zone, and the first wave of Thargoids appears on our sensors.

[Entry 04] - 12:30:00
The first wave is upon us, a swarm of Thargoid Interceptors that look more menacing than I remembered. Liz immediately launches the drone fighters, and they swarm toward the enemy. I fire the Andromeda's multi-cannons, targeting the closest Interceptor. My hands steady on the controls as I pull the trigger, sending rounds flying. The Thargoid explodes in a shower of green sparks, and a sense of victory washes over me.

However, we can’t get complacent. The Thargoids are regrouping, and they fire back with fury. One of our allied ships takes a direct hit, the pilot barely managing to issue a distress signal before his ship is engulfed in flames. “Stay focused!” I shout into the comms, urgency flooding my voice. “We need to keep pushing forward!”

[Entry 05] - 13:00:00
The battle intensifies as we move through the ranks of the first wave. Liz is working the controls expertly, dodging incoming fire while coordinating the drone fighters. We’ve lost a few, but our firepower has made an impact. I keep an eye on our shield levels, which are beginning to falter under the relentless assault.

Just as we take out the last of the first wave, the second wave appears on our scanners—this time, more Interceptors and a couple of Scouts. “Prepare for engagement!” I bark. The tension is thick in the cockpit as we prepare to face the next onslaught.

[Entry 06] - 13:30:00
The second wave hits hard, the Thargoids coming in stronger and more organized. Our drone fighters are back in the fray, but they’re outnumbered. “We need to flank them!” I call out. Liz executes a perfect maneuver, angling the Andromeda to give us the advantage.

I lock onto a Thargoid Scout, firing a torpedo that strikes true, shattering its hull. Victory feels close, but then I see a massive energy signature coming from the rear. “Liz, something bigger is coming!” My voice is filled with urgency as I brace for impact.

[Entry 07] - 14:00:00
The third wave is upon us. A Thargoid Hydra leads the charge, its massive form dominating the battlefield. “We need to regroup and focus our fire!” I shout over the chaos. The Andromeda shakes as a barrage of plasma bolts slams into our shields. The crew’s resolve is palpable, and I can feel their determination from the comms.

As we launch a coordinated assault, I send the remaining drones into a flanking position, hoping to catch the Hydra off-guard. The energy blasts rain down around us, but we keep firing. “This is for everyone we’ve lost!” I rally our pilots.

[Entry 08] - 14:30:00
The Hydra is a relentless foe. It takes everything we have, but together, we manage to cripple it. The explosion lights up the surrounding area, a burst of green and black that temporarily blinds us. But our victory comes at a cost. The Andromeda has sustained significant damage, and the station we’re defending is badly battered, its integrity alarms blaring.

As I take stock of the situation, I hear Liz’s voice, tinged with concern. “We’ve lost more ships, Lestat. We need to get back to the station and regroup.” My heart sinks as I acknowledge the losses, but I know we can’t give up now.

[Entry 09] - 15:00:00
We retreat back to Shinrarta Dezhra, the weight of the battle heavy on our shoulders. I take a moment to breathe, the adrenaline slowly fading. We’ve fought valiantly, but I can’t shake the feeling of what we’ve lost. We’ve sent out a call for repairs and reinforcements, but I worry about how we’ll face the next wave.

Liz is at my side, a steady presence in the chaos. “We’ve gained valuable experience, and we’ll bounce back stronger,” she reassures me. I nod, knowing she’s right. This isn’t the end; it’s just the beginning of our fight against the Thargoids.

[Entry 10] - 15:30:00
As I sit in the cockpit, reflecting on the day’s events, I realize the Andromeda is more than just a ship to me. She’s a symbol of our resistance, of the pilots who bravely fought alongside us. The AXEA is just getting started, and I know that together, we’ll make a difference.

I’ll reach out to the pilots we’ve connected with, and we’ll strategize our next moves. The Thargoids may have tested us today, but we will rise to the challenge. For every ship lost, there are a hundred willing to fight back. We will protect our home.

End of Log
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