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27 APRIL 3307 - Logbook Entry 001

28 Apr 2021Batwingsix
CMDR Logbook - 27 APRIL 3307

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Date: 27 April 3307

CMDR: Batwingsix

Ship Registration: G - 14 | GGSC Viking

Ship Type: Challenger


Made it back from the black a few days ago, I knew I was having trouble with the electronics in that Asp but for it to fault out like that was a sight to see. I swear that ship has it out for me, between the electrical faults and its tendency to stop responding to control inputs on planetary approach. Either way I am glad to be home and out of it for a short while, even if it is just long enough to have the mechanics at the port tear into the wiring and figure out what went wrong. I cant believe it even deleted my previous logbooks, at least I had the nav graph data saved to a different system I salvaged from the Diamondback.

It has been a while since I have dusted off some of the other toys taking up space in the hangar bays though. After turning G - 03 over to the tech crew at the port I decided to transfer into G - 14 for the day, well next few weeks until repairs are finalized and G - 03 is safe enough for me to get back to work at least. This ship is still the tried and true bird I remember her to be, as proven by the pesky pirate with an overzealous FSD interdiction habit. I almost feel bad for submitting to it, then again, having fought my way back from the black in the clunker I was just in, I am pretty well numb to the threats anymore. Worst case scenario some trigger happy flight deck jockey will put me out of my misery, except it wasn't that guy. After submitting to the interdiction for my own amusement I noticed he wasn't a greenhorn, nor was he really much of a threat to me as my cargo hold was empty so he wouldn't dare push his luck. I don't know what came over me, perhaps it was being alone in the void of the galaxy for as long as I was or maybe I just miss the thrill of the fight. Whichever it was that drew me to deploy the hardpoints and sight in doesn't matter, his shields were gone before his manifest scan was even finished. I have never seen a Python boost from a standstill in an attempt to get away. I will hand it to him though, he almost made it.

Later in the flight I remembered that my material manifest was low from my last trip out so I did a quick assessment to find some raw materials I was in need of. I certainly found the planet for it, there wasn't much in the way of variety but there were plenty of rare materials to be gathered. The haul wasn't too terrible considering I only spent an hour or so in the god awful SRV seat. You would think we would be at a point in time where crew comfort would be an option at the very least. With my luck there will be an engineer who helped design that torture contraption reading this, if so, you go sit in one of those things for an hour. Anyway, back on topic. Yttrium was all over that planet surface, it was like the gold rush in the 1940's on Earth levels of minerals. Got away with some Arsenic, Carbon, Nickel, Germanium, and a few other odds and ends of the mineral world as well before boredom got the better of me. After liftoff I was mid plot of my route back to the station when I noticed an Imperial Clipper with a couple of escorts in low level flight. They seemed out of place since the planet wasn't inhabited by anything resembling life. I hailed them on Unicom frequency but there was no response, which at one point I would consider odd but having been away from mankind as long as I have, I was slightly relieved they didn't respond. The last thing I wanted was some Commander or First Officer on coms talking about how hard there day was shuttling some diplomat a few thousand light seconds here and there. I joined formation for a bit, attempted to contact on Unicom again while off their starboard side, again to no avail.

After a few kilometers they started a sharp climb, all three in a fashion as though they were one ship but all three a kilometer apart. Port escort rear and around 500 meters low, starboard forward and about 500 meters above. I wagged what some would consider wings on this thing to wish them a happy send off and watched as they jumped into super cruise away from the planet.

I finished plotting my route home, double checked my fuel status with some rudimentary math and started my turn out to head home. Upon landing at the station I checked in with the tech crew working the bay holding G - 03 to see what their assessment was. I knew they didn't have time to even scratch the surface of what was going on, either way I offered my opinion of taking her out of the mailslot and detonating her somewhere that I wouldn't have to see her again. Much to my dismay they declined and laughed as though they thought I was joking, sadly I wasn't. No ETA on her diagnosis let alone repairs, as such I guess I will be having the rest of the fleet pulled from storage and cleaned up for the next few weeks. I have been hearing rumors of decent trade routes opening up nearby, perhaps I will haul some freight if I have time.


CMDR Batwingsix
GGSC Viking - G - 14
Commander | PIC


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