Logbook entry

28 APRIL 3307 - 01 MAY 3307 - LOGBOOK ENTRY 003

01 May 2021Batwingsix
CMDR Logbook - 01 MAY 3307

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** Commander Logbook Initialized **

Date: 01 MAY 3307

CMDR: Batwingsix

Ship Registration: N/A

Ship Type: N/A


Commander Log Entry 01:

After returning home on the 27th I decided it was probably best for me to take some time off. I had been in the vast emptiness of the galaxy for so long I was left stressed just being around people. I remember when I would see a friendly or familiar name appear on my contact list as I ran my errands. Would hail them with a friendly hello and wish them safe travels, smile and hope they didn't end up on the wrong side of some pirates burst laser before I could see them again. When I began my career exploring I figured nothing much would change except the excitement to see them again and tell them about the strange and marvelous things I had seen in my travels... but that isn't really the case. Solitude is a disease and a cure rolled into one package that can not be quantitated by means of understanding. Being alone, no contacts, no human signal sources for lightyears makes you comfortable with the idea of being unbothered, and unwatched. Once you grow used to it the chore of having to deal with the consistent scans from the authorities, strangers trying to decide whether you are friend or foe, or in some cases that would-be pirate looking for an easy grab of goods at the cost of another pilots hard work becomes unappealing and down right enraging.

After breakfast this morning I noticed my PDA in my office had a new message on it, which honestly was surprising since many of my friends have long since forgotten I existed, or think I am still on my expedition where I can't receive signal anyway. Man alive I was surprised to see a long time old friend caught wind that I was back in the bubble. As it turns out, he was hauling some of the parts to get G - 03 back into a serviceable condition. Apparently some of the workers who were arranging the part deliveries were complaining about my sarcasm and professionalism, he instantly knew it was me. This message was letting me know he had been assigned to work in the SOL system, asked if I had some time to come by and see an old friend. So as I write this I await the Apex shuttle to arrive to take me to SOL. Fingers crossed, with any luck maybe I can take a trip to Earth's surface while I am in the system. What I would give to walk the beach again before I head back out. I may or may not bother keeping up with my logbooks while there, lets face it I wont be flying so what is there to log right? Better yet, I think I will take a short vacation there.


CMDR Batwingsix
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