Logbook entry

Status Report: June 12, 2016

13 Jun 2016Dadinacactus
After making nearly 200m credits in the span of 48 hours, and with previous assets totalling nearly 370 million credits, I have fully outfitted the Federal Corvette "Atilla" to my standards; the heavy composite armor, hull reinforcements, and sizeable weapons battery should give pause to any enemy with enough hubris to attack. Indeed I shrugged off an Elite ranked pilot in a Fer-De-Lance with little effort, and with engineers upgrades to the frameshift drive i'm sure I can remedy its poor jump performance to an extent. I look forward to testing it in future conflicts.

At the moment I feel I should focus on acquiring materials for engineer modules for all fleet ships and possibly do some exploring with the Anaconda, as its jump range is currently over 40 light years thanks to upgrading of the FSD and weight minimalization. I still have nearly 100 million credits in reserve, and for the first time in a while i'm at a loss as to what my next goal should be.
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