Logbook entry

January 3303 :Atilla Refit

04 Jan 2017Dadinacactus
New year means new things.

Seeing as the current setup of Fedvette 'Atilla' is showing its downsides, and with an ever increasing option of mods at engineers, I have decided to once again alter the weapons loadout for Atilla. My main concern with the current setup is heat generation, as being hit with heat generating weapons makes sustained fire difficult. Thus, I am applying these main changes to the weapons setup:

Most importantly, i've replaced the Class 3 beam laser mount on the belly with a Class 3 Particle Accelerator. While this may seem like a silly idea, i've recently gained access to Bill Turner, an engineer in the Alioth system, and he has supplied me with a grade 5 efficiency mod for the PA, greatly reducing its Achilles heel; heat buildup, power draw, and distributor draw. The mod also has an experimental dispersal field effect that will confuse targeting, so this will help deal with pesky gimbal and turret mounts on other ships. Field testing has greatly reduced thermal load on the ship while still having punch from that belly hardpoint.

Secondly, i've modified the main battery of the ship; the massive Class 4 multicannons. While still effective in their current form with the overcharged modifications, a rapid fire modification would allow greater volume of fire, while reducing distributor draw and having better armor piercing. Since I run out of ammo on the smaller multicannons on the ship earlier than the Class 4's, i'm not worried about the increased ammo requirements. These changes should eliminate the heat problems completely while putting less demand on the distributor. The end outcome is simple; moar dakka.
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︎1 Shiny!
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