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Weapons Experimentation.

12 Jul 2018Dadinacactus
Doing some weapons testing and putting the Krait through it's paces at the same time. So far impressive; an FDL alternative that can actually jump somewhere. Ran all fixed MCs on it for a few days, all overcharged except for one with high cap mags and corrosive shells for the extra armor hit. Other medium MC running incendiaries, all large MCs running autoloaders to keep the dakka up. Quite good, but got access to large shock cannon and was tickled pink. Swapped one of the large MCs out for one and wasn't disappointed; drops federal clothing irons like a sack of onionhead, knocked down a gunship within 3 seconds of their shields dropping.

Not without downsides however; need to be in close to spam it or your accuracy drops, they are abysmal against shielding, only 240 rounds to work with, and the synth requirements for ammo are taxing, so, as with any good experiment, more study needed. Currently checking out what an advanced plasma accelerator can do when rigged for short range attack. My strat has always been in to be in a marks face, so should work well with the number i'm seeing. 75% increase in damage means a 75% increase in DPS; just over 50 per second according to arithmetic, 60 unit a bolt; outdoing even an overcharged huge MC, ridiculous. Downsides aren't even really downsides; same base distrib usage as stock, but damage per energy puts it at 11.4; an efficiently rigged one only get's 14, and only get 34 DPS out of it instead of 50; a fifth grader can see that short range has bigger payoff, especially with a 7A distrib in the krait. Boots thermal load up 40% but i'm running with a low emissions powerplant, so i'll stay nice and cool lobbing tungsten and balls of plasma. Add the fighter into the mix and I have a pocket vette.

Speaking of which, stuck a gimballed shock cannon on the belly mount; never could decide what to put on there. Crap firing arc, a turret would have crap DPS, and the hardpoint is too far from the huges to line up on anything smaller than an Anaconda. A shock cannon would give me a an armor hammer I could pair with the small and medium gimballed MCs, while leaving the huge MCs as the primary damage dealers. Drop shields with the MCs, then use them in concert with the shock cannon to burst down armor.
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