Logbook entry

Independence Day

04 Jul 2020T3nse
Today marks the 1530th anniversary of the day the old world Federation’s Declaration of Independence. Of course, then they were known as the United States of America, and even though there no longer exists an America, it feels an appropriate day for the maiden voyage of the Normandy SR-3.

Unfortunately that is where the fanfare ends, because for most of us who gotta work for a living, it’s just another day at the mines.  The Diamond Rush is on! All CMDRs in the area are jumping on board for the lucrative new diamond-enriched asteroids found a couple hundred light years outside the bubble. No one want to miss out while the gettin’ is good, so the system is crowded, comms are filled with various miners and fleet carriers, each shouting over each other for the best prices of diamonds offered for sale.

But this is it for me, my last trip to the mines. Now that I am a proud owner of a Drake-Class fleet carrier, one cargo-load of diamonds will net me enough credits to finally begin my dream career out in the depths of the stars, seeking new discoveries.

The right, these babies can reach areas of the galaxy previously unreachable, who sectors that have been just out of range for any FSD developed for standard starships. The capital ships of the Federation or Empire could have made these jumps, but they are a bit busy with the whole “expansion” thing they got going on. I mean, sure I was born a citizen of the Federation, but I have never really felt bound to them after all.

No, space is truly the last frontier. And we thought we had finally conquered it. But that is of course wrong. Those Bug-things you hear about of the Galnet for instance, what the hell is that about? Maybe I need to lol into this a bit more. I heard from that twit Marco Gwent about a man named professor Palin. Apparently he is the man to talk to. Maybe I’ll stop by before heading off to the deep.

But that’s for another day. Today’s haul was good. Got about 4000 tons of diamonds today. A few more loads like that and I’ll be able to fund my adventures for the next few years. While not quite a retirement, it’s about as close to one as you can get in this galaxy.
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︎1 Shiny!
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