Logbook entry

Unlocking Professor Palin, Part 1

19 Sep 2016Darwin

Right, I think it is time to do a bit more engineering. While Class 3 'dirty drives' are good, just think of what a Class 5 would bring...

After drifting back to real life, I already had the knowledge of where 'He' was, after engineer Marco Qwent told me about him.

Just getting access to Marco was a bit of a mission in itself, as I recall.
A personal recommendation from Elvira Martuuk, after collaborating with her on a number of upgrades, told me of him. Then earning a high reputation with the Sirius Corporation to get the invitation, and finding 25 Modular Terminals as a greeting. Just to meet him.

So after using Marco's services for a while, he tells me of Professor Palin, who can do wonders with drive tuning he says.

"Although he is even more exclusive than I am" he says with a grin.
"You will need my introduction, and 25 'unknown fragments' from those UA things he is so interested in".

Already got them. Damn things kept bouncing off my nose, each time I tried to get a closer look. Set course for Maia then.

"Oh, and if you have not travelled at least 5000 LY from the bubble, he wont return your email."

Bother. Just a few LY short. Bother, Bother, Bother.

Oh well, off to collect the Asp then. Now, where did I leave it? I think I left it at Jameson Memorial. Yes, yes I did.
It has been a while since my wanderlust just sort of, got up and wandered off.

So, after arriving at Shinrarta, and coming into Jameson, I requested my old ship, 'Beagle 3', to be taken out of the mothballed storage hangers, given a service, and made ready to go. I even treated her to a new fuel scoop.
Cost me more than the ship and everything in it. It is only money, after all. Cant spend it where I'm going anyway.

While she already had one of Elvira's FSD tweaks, I decided to drop in on Felicity Farseer on the way out of the bubble.
A quick visit to see if she could squeeze just that little bit more. Every LY helps.
And she did!

'Beagle 3' was ready. More ready than she had ever been.

Setting out into the wide yonder, no real plan, other than to travel fast, and far. But where?

Nebulas. You see them at a distance in the night sky. Why not go there? Nice colours. Now which one to choose?

Through the Lagoon Nebula

And over to the Trifid Nebula

And beyond...

Mission accomplished!

That is fine and dandy, but I am now 5100+ frigging LY away.

You know what they say. Try traveling in someone elses shoes. Then you are a long way away, and you have their shoes.
Chuckled at least 100 LY with that one.

Is space madness setting in? No, it is not as if I have started talking to my socks.

Where to now? Onwards to the Core, turn left to Colonia and Jaques, or back home?
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︎5 Shiny!
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