Logbook entry

Training the rookie

24 Nov 2016Darwin
This is my new crew pilot, Dianna. Currently learning the ropes.

Dianna was the most 'human' looking of all the applicants, and is even starting to get the hang of the SLF.
The passengers seem to like her.

A pleasant evening mooching around some lava geysers. Just the thing to unwind after a long day.

Alas. Time to call Bob the maintenance guy again though.

"Can I book the Cutter in for a respray?"

"So soon? I only did it last week! And a good job it was too, if I do say so myself. Has the fighter bay dried out after the water geyser incident?" said Bob.

"Mostly dry, and the cargo bay doors are fine now, thankyou, with Dianna promising to not mistake them for the fighter bay again."

"So what happened this time? Not more Cobra paint to scrape off?" asked Bob.

"I was in the little Captains room at the time. To be fair though, a Cutter on tower guided autodock has right of way, so that one was not her fault."

"Trying to dock 20m below the toast rack again? My friend in security there still bangs on about the dents" Bob enquired.

"Not quite... After a long night sciencing magma geysers, I called her in to pick me up."

"I finished off the experiment, and turned around to see this"

And as I moved closer, it became apparent that the smoke was real.

"She parked across two lava geysers" exclaimed Bob as the pictures finished uploading.

I could swear I heard the slapping of a forehead.

"About 8PM tonight?" Bob enquired.

"That will do nicely, see you then."
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