Logbook entry

There be dragons...

28 Sep 2017Darwin
Cartographers historically labelled unknown areas as containing mythical beasts.

Christmas 3302, in the galactic 'Special Effect' charity auction (a very good cause!) as part of the 'Festive Fun and Charity Livestreams' events, there was an opportunity for something rather rare - all while helping raise funds for Special Effect, a charity based in the Sol system

"a custom, one of a kind, special unique paint job for one Commander. You will be able to work with our paint job designer to create something custom and unique for you."

After sterling work by Tjaart Kruger and the team, ‘The Return’ brings with it something I was looking forward to more than sightings of Thargoids...

Thankyou Tjaart and the Frontier team!

The initial concept was 'St. George & the Dragon'. Can you actually turn an Imperial Cutter into a dragon?

Well, I think they managed it!

Last seen heading towards the Pleiades and the Gnosis.

'Here be dragons'  3303

As it gets darker...

In the dark places, you may just encounter something mysterious...

'Beagle One' has had a makeover, and 'Idris' has been born. Thankyou once again!

Return of the Dragon...
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︎18 Shiny!
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